LC’s Commentary

Listen To The Voice of Reason

Should Have Listened

They were right you know

We should have been listening

Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States (1858-1924) said the following: the great monopoly in this country is the money monopoly. So long as it exists, our old variety of freedom and individual energy of development are out of the question.

President Wilson talked about the danger of control of credit being concentrated in too few hands. He felt that even though those in charge of credit may be honest and above reproach, their undertaking to protect their own money destroys genuine economic freedom.

President Wilson also talked about conditions in this nation that enables a small number of men who control the Government to get favors from the Government.  The current economic crisis is a good example of what he was talking about. Who bailed out the big banks and Wall Street? President Wilson envisioned a time when a few people getting special favors from the Government would dominate every industry in the country. His was right, you know!

We should have listened to President Wilson.

Thomas Wolf, Esteem American novelist (1900-1938) made this profound analogy of greed. He coined the following: I think the enemy is here before us…I think the enemy is simple selfishness and compulsive greed…. I think the enemy is as old as time and evil as Hell, and he has been with us since the beginning. I think he stole our earth from us, destroyed our wealth, and ravaged and despoiled our land. I think he took our people and enslaved them, that he polluted the fountains of our life, took unto himself the rarest treasures of our own possession, took our bread and left us a crust… and not content for the nature of the enemy is insatiate-tried to take from us the crust.

We should have listened to Thomas Wolf!

William Jennings Bryan American orator, politician (1860-1925) coined the following: The money power prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who questions it methods, or throws light upon its crimes.  Think of the battle that is taking place in our economic environment as the Federal Government tries to rein in an out of control system and institute rules and regulations that hopefully will prevent another meltdown of our economy. I say hopefully will, because the money folks are not about to relinquish any control of money without an all out political, propaganda and media war.  While the US government and the money managers duke it out, those who have the least will continue to carry the load through taxation and interest payments.  

We should have listened to W.J. Bryan!

Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) 22nd and 24th President of The United States frequently expressed deep concerns about disproportional wealth accumulation in the US. President Cleveland declared the following; at times like the present, when evils of unsound finances threatens us, the speculator may anticipate a harvest gathered from the misfortune of others, the capitalist may protect himself by hoarding or may find profits in the fluctuations of values; but the wage earner-the first to be injured by a depreciated currency and the last to receive the benefit of its correction is practically defenseless.   Forget about Wall Street, the Federal Reserve and Banks for a minute. Cities, Counties, States, School Systems and other forms of local governments are just beginning to feel the full brunt of the US economic meltdown. Many are on the verge of bankruptcy. Fact is, some have already reached that milestone, but are not publicly announcing it.  In the meantime, some folks and businesses, especially those in the money business are making lots of money. Take a minute and look at the latest profits announced by most in the banking business. Why have we become comfortable with the way money flows in this nation? Why is it alright for banks to declare huge profits, when, at the same time they have tighten loan standards to the point where even those with good credit are having a difficult time getting loans?

We should have listened to President Cleveland. 

The above-mentioned people recognized the warning signs over 100 years ago. Have we not learned anything about how money folks feel and behave in over a hundred years? No wonder they find it so easy to take advantage of people and our capitalistic/economic system. When will we ever learn?

July 31, 2010 Posted by | Economic Empowerment, Failed economic poicy, Greed, Taxpayer bailouts, Trickle up economics, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Win at all cost!

As CTR and FNN aggressively, ruthlessly and uncompromisingly seek to destroy the Democratic Party, they have little sympathy for those caught up in the political carnage they cause. Unwittingly, these purveyors of ceaseless propaganda are trying to bring down a system of government put in place by our founding fathers. Question is; if successful, what will the new government look like. The mere fact that CTR and FNN talking heads repeatedly stress a individualistic ideology lend credence to allegations that they envision a form of government that forgo concerns for the masses. Although the Republican Party is accused of being non-inclusive, its platform does not reflect in totality, nor, in many instances sanction the me attitude propagandized and idolized by CTR and FNN. Like a burr under a horse’s saddle, CTR and FNN continue to irritate both political parties, particularly the one they like to call liberal. Using the word liberal copiously to define the Democratic Party plays well on the radio, television and Internet. Talking Heads, Limbaugh, Boortz, Levin, Hannity, Beck and an assortment of wannabe Talking Heads, with the precision of a surgeon, operates on the minds of their listeners, removing any ability to think for themselves. Once the inclination to think for oneself is removed, it is replaced with CTR and FNN talking heads logic.
As Conservative Talk Radio and Fox News Network turn up the propaganda machine in an attempt to disrupt the Obama Administration ability to govern, the Democratic Party has begun to use some of the same tactics they accused CTR and FNN of using. Some call it fighting fire with fire. I question the wisdom of using this tactic. People searching for a political party whose platform they can support are left wondering what is the difference if both parties can only point out the weaknesses of the other party. Although the Democratic Party attack dogs uses some of the same tactics used by Republican Party Attack dogs, they do not have the machinery in place that remotely resembles CTR and FNN. In some ways, this is good. America’s airwaves do not need more condescending, destructive, and useless rhetoric than it currently gets from the above-mentioned outlets.
Tearing at the very soul of our form of Government (Democratic) is the decline of participation by the masses in the prosperity of this nation. Alexis de Tocqueville in his writings titled Democracy in America coined the following; General prosperity favors stability in all governments, but particularly in a democratic one, for it depends on the moods of the greatest number, and especially on the mood of those most exposed to want. How has CTR and FNN responded to those most exposed to need? They introduced something in the equation called wealth envy, or taking from one individual and giving it to another. CTR and FNN like to brag about how much of the total US income tax bill the top one and five percent of income earners in the US pay. They never give one thought to the fact that there is something inherently wrong with a few individuals having this much of this nation’s wealth. As we look at the salaries demanded by those at the top, it becomes clear why so much wealth is flowing to the top. Why is it so difficult for some to see a problem with what is taking place in wealth distribution in this nation? It is not necessary to take from the rich and give to the poor. Why not pay those at the bottom and middle of the economic rung a little more. Pay them enough so they do not have to get handouts. Pay them enough so they can afford insurance for their families. I dare say; our founding fathers intentions never included an economic system where wealth would be so unevenly distributed in this nation. They never envisioned a system where those enriched by taking risks would not accept and absorb losses associated with taking risks.
The latest talking point on CTR and FNN is the motto: Take back America. For starters, can we take back the airwaves from these out of control loonies? Can we reintroduce civility into the national dialogue?

January 16, 2010 Posted by | Conservative Talk Radio, Economic Empowerment, Failed economic poicy, Glenn Beck, Greed, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Media, Politics, Trickle up economics, Uncategorized, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Have you had your ISM Today?

I struggle to understand what is currently taking place in America’s economic system and how mass media portrays it-especially Conservative Talk Radio and Fox News Network. An essay written while America was still in the grips of the 1929 depression sheds light on the subject and reveals the mindset of talking heads on Conservative Talk Radio and Fox News Network. The Author penned the following:

 (a)There is a growing belief with constantly increasing facts to support it that this depression is something more than an ordinary economic debacle super induced in the first instance by war and mad speculation, that it is also a warning that a period of readjustment is at hand. To what extent and in what respect this readjustment is to take place no man, or group of men, are wise enough to know. That it will result in great changes can hardly be doubted. The world has learned many times at great cost of life not to despise the counsels nor pass unheeded the demands of those who have known the pangs of hunger and the lashes of economic injustice. At any, rate let them be heard. And because they demand a hearing, do not proceed to brand them communists, or fascists or disloyal. They should be heard without fear of restraint. If this movement for readjustment is to proceed in an orderly American way and is settled to American standards, then it should, it must proceed under the auspices and according to the rules of true American principles.

It is a mistake at any time, it is a fearful mistake at a time when cooperation of the whole nation is essential in the rebuilding of our economic structure, to proceed under the theory that the American people, or any considerable number of the American people, are infected, or susceptible of infection, with those strange isms which now torment so large a portion of the human family. To proceed upon any such theory is greatly to hinder progress in this stupendous task before us. When the story is finally written from 1914 to 1935, and on until these days of difficulty and danger are over, when the final verdict is rendered, it will be said that the outstanding feature of the period thru which we are passing was the patience and patriotism of the people of this country. Drafted to fight in a foreign war, exploited by profiteers while they fought, the victims of promoters in a saturnalia of speculation, improvised by an economic cataclysm for which whoever else was responsible, the people were not, driven almost to madness by floods and droughts and dust storms, and who has heard coming from these devoted men and women the voice of sedition, of disloyalty to the Government?

The author writes about isms used to describe efforts to right the economic ship during the great depression. This is exactly what is taking place in America today. Communism, Marxism, Socialism, Leninism and a brand new ism resonates from the lips of many talk show hosts and their followers. Obamaism is the latest Ism. Right wing purveyors of fear, unrest and distrust of the Obama administration have at their behest two well-known and easily accessible outlets to promote this Ism thing–CTR (Conservative Talk Radio) and FNN (Fox News Network.) These outlets toss Isms around like hot potatoes. These words play well to the masses, both stimulating and inciting them. They also raise the level of anxiety. These words sell books and line the coffers of talk show hosts. It is time to introduce some more isms into the public discourse; Limbaughism, Hannityism, Beckism, Boortzism, Levinism and an assortment of lesser-known loudmouth isms. Put the entire above mentioned loudmouth and bloated Isms together and you have pure unadulterated cynicism! What these folks interject into American daily discourse is more harmful than initially imagined-Some irreparable. Civil discussions of many important issues and problems facing this nation are no longer possible, especially political discussion. Battle lines are drawn and constantly reinforced by the rhetoric of CTR and FNN. Little attempt is made to disguise their intentions. They are determined to destroy or seriously injure the Obama administration. Little regard is given to what is called in military jargon, collateral damage. The waste heaps behind these folks are growing and contains many people and businesses once thought to be immune to the negative impact of CTR and FNN rhetoric. Is the First Amendment right abused when it is use to cover speech that obviously negatively affects the very fabric of this nation? Where do you draw the line? Are there no consequences for these folk’s actions? How much depravity, fostered by these folks, can Americans stand? What is America’s tolerance for this stuff?

As the Obama Administration struggles to right America’s economic ship, is it destroying capitalism, or is it attempting to put it back together? Why is any attempt to really examine and adjust our economic system deemed destructive and labeled some kind of Ism by a segment of society? CTR (Conservative Talk Radio) and FNN (Fox News Network) devote several hours daily advancing the myth that to examine and possibly change some aspects of our economic system amounts to dismantling it. Nothing is farther from the truth. Our economic system is awash in greed, and dishonesty,and  amassing of a majority of this nation’s wealth into the coffers of a few. Changes must be made if capitalism is to survive. Propping it up each time it flounders, at the expense of taxpayers is no longer acceptable. It must be able to run on its own dime.

 How in the world can anyone, of any political persuasion, make a legitimate argument for non-intervention, by the government into our capitalistic system, as it currently exists? What logical reason can one give for allowing the same people that brought the system to the brink of a total meltdown to continue to run and oversee it? Even though there is an enormous amount of wealth in private hands in this nation, those who possess it did not come to the rescue of capitalism when it needed help. People who gained so much wealth under capitalism are not about to risk very much to support the very system that made them rich. This shows that most are in it for what they can get from it and nothing else. Pretenses of fear of Isms (Communism, Socialism, Marxism, and Obamaism,) comfort those who do not wish to share the wealth capitalism allowed them to amass. Actions taken by the Obama Administration will certainly affect many in a positive way. Others will have to wait in line for something to trickle down to them-namely the middle class, laid off workers and others at the bottom of the pecking order. Some will never recover unless drastic action takes place. Jobs must be created and people put to work. People need money in their pockets so they can buy things and pay bills. Call it any kind of Ism you wish.

 (a).Excerpts taken from the reference shelf, volume 10 titled Freedom of speech and compiled by Julia Johnson. Copyrighted 1936

December 8, 2009 Posted by | Conservative Talk Radio, Glenn Beck, Greed, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

CTR&F (Conservative Talk Radio & Fox) folks show their true colors

 It is disgusting to listen to the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, Boortz, Beck, Cunningham and an assortment of other mouth pieces of the Conservative party espousing and haranguing about salary caps being imposed on people running businesses that received money taken from taxpayers. Yes, I said taken. Why do I say taken? Were American taxpayers allowed to vote on the matter? Hell no! These are the same folks that raised all kinds of hell when the minimum wage was raised to its present level-it is less than eight dollars per hour. CTR&F folk have made it plain that they think there is a portion of American workers whose labor is not worth seven + dollars an hour. Think for a moment-they have made it clear, without reservation, a segment of American workers do not deserve a livable wage, while at the same time being plainly and overtly upset that people making millions are told to moderate their demands for compensation until the US economy rebounds. What really stinks up the place is, many people working for substandard wages, have made huge wage and benefit concessions as a prerequisite for keeping their jobs. To make matters worse, tax dollars paid by people, barely getting by on a meager salary, was used to prop up financial institutions that in turn, continue to pass it on to the people that caused the financial meltdown. Something is badly wrong with this picture. Many Americans are in dire straits. They are losing their homes, vehicles, jobs, access to medical care and higher education due to the current recession. Is it asking too much of those in high places to be a part of the solution and not continue to exacerbate the problem? Surely, they can make it on a couple of million dollars per year for a few years. Are these huge bonuses but another form of welfare when the money comes from taxpayers? Are these folks getting something that is not available to all Americans? Should I be able to ask the government to chip in a few dollars so I can maintain a lifestyle I have grown accustomed too, knowing that the government can ill afford it? This what is happening in some of our financial institutions? Wonder what these overpaid bullies would have gotten if their employers were allowed to fail-certainly not what they think they deserve. Why you ask, do they think they are worth so much? What do they do that warrants such outlandish and excessive salaries? The current condition of many American financial institutions suggests many of these folks did not, and will never have a clue how to run a successful business. Actions, taken by these folks border on criminality and warranted some form of prosecution. Many are cut from the same mold as Kenneth Lay and Maddoff. They just used different techniques to accomplish the same thing-rob the banks. In the mean time, CTR&F continue to support the activities of swindlers and smoking mirror artists-now you see it, now you do not. CTR&F are not blameless in this matter. They must share culpability in this matter. They assisted the swindlers by deflecting criticism away from CEO’s and others powerbrokers in many financial institutions. Callers to CTR&F complaining about overpaid CEO’s and questionable practices were quickly beaten down and called wealth enviers. The mere fact that CTR&F talking heads continue to support these swindlers and wealth grabbers should be enough of an incentive for many of their low wage listeners to seek advice and guidance elsewhere.

October 24, 2009 Posted by | Conservative Talk Radio, Glenn Beck, Greed, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Taxpayer bailouts, Trickle up economics, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Land of Plenty?

Signs of things to come

Is there hope for the hopeless? Who are the hopeless? Many people have thrown in the towel and feel there is no way out of the current economic crisis?  This hopeless feeling encompasses a wide spectrum of American society. In fact, this helpless feeling spans borders and oceans.  Many in congress are busy pointing fingers and doing little to address the current economic crisis. Entirely too many feel they are obligated to obstruct constructive dialogue and not contribute anything of substance to solving the problem. To them, everything is wrong that they do not support.

The current economic crisis produces uncertainty, suspicion and distrust, fueled by actions taken by those charged with managing Wall Street, and our banking industry. It has also produced poverty and misery. Through all of this, some have gotten rich-some riches gained by taking from others.

Many individuals, who thought they had their financial situation well in hand in 2004, now find themselves in a financial crisis. The current economic situation has a humbling affect on many people. It has brought them back to earth and made them take actions supposedly reserved for the lazy, ignorant and welfare recipients. Many have swallowed their pride and now seek social services, relief from financial obligations and outright poverty.   One only have to look at photos taken during the great depression to get a glimpse of what happens when a nation’s economic system collapse.  People in three-piece suits and nice hats in soup lines with cups in hand, trying to get a bite to eat, paints a sobering picture.  Is it possible we will see more of this in the coming months? Yes, it is possible. Fact is, soup lines are already forming in some cities.

President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) said the following in his inaugural address: if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. President Kennedy’s remark rings loud and clear today. Many who looked down from their ivory towers and sneered at the downtrodden and less fortunate, now find themselves being one of the lowly and practically broke.  President Kennedy also made the following statement: And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Finally President Kennedy said: my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what we together can do for the freedom of man.  If he were alive today, he would be making the same argument. He would implore those of who have much to share with the less fortunate and down trodden. He would remind us what happens when the vast majority of a nation’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of a chosen few.  

February 13, 2009 Posted by | borrowing money, Failed economic poicy, Greed, Soup kitchens, Taxpayer bailouts, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Trickle down my foot

Trickle up economics


Who coined the following?

The essence of propaganda consists in winning over an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.

Propaganda is not an end in itself, but a means to and end. If the means achieves the end then the means is good.

Joseph Goebels, august propagandist for the Adolph Hitler regime and famed for winning over the German people with his rhetoric is the author of the remarks.  When one listens to CTR (Conservative Talk Radio) you are constantly reminded of how this nation flourished economically under the Regan administration. These talking heads constantly hammer into the heads of their avid listeners that Regan’s trickle down economics was a great success story and everyone from top to bottom gained under his administration. Great propaganda, wouldn’t you say?

CTR purposely leaves out what actually trickled down during the Regan administration. Actually something did trickle down to the middle and low income folks-misery and a widening gap between them and those that were suppose to trickle down some wealth and share some of the gains! Maybe President Regan forgot to tell the folk who were getting rich on his watch to open their pocket books and let a few dollars trickle down. As a result, the chasm between the very rich and those of the middle class and low income widened.  Little George( President George Bush II,) following in the footsteps of his father and President Regan,  not to be outdone, further loosened oversight over most agencies charged with overseeing our economic system. As a result, pandemonium in our capitalistic system has ensued. The statement, Fox guarding the henhouse comes to mind. The American people have been led to believe that the folks running our capitalistic system are good, moral and hard working folks who are just trying to make an honest living. Americans have been told that these folks need very little oversight and intervention by the government leads to unnecessary costs, bureaucracy and unnecessary meddling in private businesses.  Americans have been told about the efficiency of the private sector and how it gets things done much cheaper than the government.

My question is; if the private sector has all of the answers and everything it needs to be self-sufficient, why is it calling on the government to bail them out at taxpayers’ expense? Why can’t private businesses, needing capital, go to other private businesses and get it? The answer is simple-they want the government to stand aside and let them screw things up. They see the government as a source of capital when private entities are not willing to risk their money. 

This trickle down economics trick  might be a hard-sell to more Americans if CTR did not paint such a wonderful picture of the impact it has on this nation. The current crop of Joseph Goebels of this world (Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz), and other talking heads have sold the American people a pig in a poke.  How in the world can they continue to paint a rosy picture of this trickle down economics way of doing business when anyone other than a blind person can see that it does not work?  CTR continues to blame organized labor for much of the ills of our economy. Never mind that there is little organize labor in the private sector. In 2007 organized labor represented only 7.5% of  the private sector workforce.   Not once have I heard them make a serious issue of greed playing a part. Greedy and unethical CEOS have made a shamble of the private sector and it appears the talking heads of CTR think what is constantly perpetrated on Americans is just fine because it is just another indication of the wealth you can amass if you work hard enough. I guess getting rich by hook and crook, including swindling people out of their life-savings is just fine as long as you work hard devising and implementing the swindle.

What we have in place now is trickle up economics. Taxpayers, footing the bill to bail out Wall Street, do not have a choice in the matter. We have been told, we are going to take your money and loan it to the banks and Wall Street. You may eventually get your money back-no assurances. Trickle up economics seems to be working just fine. The government recently trickled up 700 billions dollars taken from many have nots and passed on to many already awash in money.

February 6, 2009 Posted by | borrowing money, Conservative Talk Radio, Failed economic poicy, Greed, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Politics, Taxpayer bailouts, Trickle up economics, wealth redistribution | 1 Comment

Pay up

Sooner or later you will pay


I keep looking for signs indicating Obama’s election is ushering new attitudes in this nation. Sure, it is early and he has been President for less than a month. However, it is never too early to change our behavior. One thing for sure, many in the banking business, are conducting business as usual. They are still handing out large bonuses while their institutions are losing huge sums of money and asking for and getting huge sums of money from taxpayers.  Responsibility, shame and ethical behavior have been replaced with greed, insensitivity and irresponsibility.  One has to question what drives the current uncaring, insensitive and greedy behavior that is so prevalent in banking. As a matter of fact, it is prevalent in most businesses where huge amounts of money are in play. Especially discouraging and perplexing is the fact that, according to many, this nation isbuilt on a Christian foundation. This notion suggests it was built on goodness, fairness, equality and a genuine concern for one’s fellowman. As you look around can you truly say those in power in our economic system are acting as one would expect Christians to behave?  The glue that holds the foundation of this nation together is fairness. The fairness doctrine is slowly being replaced with an attitude of; I get all I can, no matter how it impacts others.

I cringe when I hear those in the banking business trying to justify handing out large bonuses while the very taxpayers they are getting bailout money from are taking cuts in pay. Of course, the talking heads on Conservative Talk Radio spend time justifying the bonuses. Why in the world do some people feel some folks deserve millions for their efforts, while other does not even deserve a livable wage?  Think about it-when a raise was proposed in the minimum wage, many on the right threw a fit. They said a raise would cause small businesses to shut their doors. What has brought on this lack of concern for those in this nation that has the least? Surely those at the top can live on a little less so those at the bottom and in the middle are not constantly squeezed out of the little they have. The latest fiasco in the banking business shows just how out of touch these folks are. Surely they did not take a minute to consider how the public feels about tax dollars being used to give them bonuses, or maybe they just didn’t give a damn about how the public feels. At some point those in the banking business will have to pay their dues. How they will pay is uncertain, but they will pay.

January 30, 2009 Posted by | borrowing money, Greed, Taxpayer bailouts, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Beating a dead horse


Conservative Talk Radio (CTR) and Fox Cable have abandoned the Liberal Tax and Spend drumbeat. Why were these allegations abandoned? The Bush administration blessed this nation with a huge increase in spending, and national debt. CTR and Fox, through unrelenting attacks, convinced their devoted listeners these things would only happen under a liberal (democratic) administration. The bush administration made liars out of all of them. Not to be outdone, CTR and Fox bragged about how well the economy was doing. They bragged about how many jobs were created by the Bush administration. They deliberately failed to tell their listeners what kinds of jobs were created, how much they were paying, and if they were full or part-time jobs.  When the job creation declaration lost its flavor, they went looking for something else, or someone else to blame for the economic problems facing this nation. When the housing bubble burst, CTR and Fox placed the blame for the sagging economy on the less-fortunate getting loans they could not afford to repay. This assertion is less than factual. They are currently blaming labor unions for the automobile manufactures increased indebtedness.  A well-known Japanese auto manufacturer released figures recently, showing their sales down by 25percent. This is a non-union company. Should it cut wages and salaries so it can lower the cost of its automobiles? Surely lower costing automobiles will cause a surge in the market.

People are waiting to see whom they blame for causing all of the greed, and shady dealings that runs rampant in the stock market and government and banking industry.  Will CTR and Fox find a way to cover the butts of conservatives and blame it on those liberals, and present this to their loyal and unquestioning listeners? Will they for once, tell their listeners the truth?  We had better wake up and get our news and information elsewhere, if these folk do not bless us with the truth. We can ill-afford to make decisions based on what CTR and Fox are telling the public. As you listen to them talking about wealth redistribution, do you wonder why people with huge sums of money are not yelling about it. Do you wonder why the likes of Bill Gates and Ted Turner are not worried about it? If they are not worried, with their billions, how has CTR and Fox managed to convince you that you are going to have to share your pittance. Many talk radio listeners do not have anything to redistribute. Stop letting these folks fool you with their scare-tactics. I will admit, most of them have a little something to share. Think about the millions you bless them when you buy their unenlightening books. Maybe some of you could drop Limbaugh, Hannity and Boortz a few lines asking for a few of your dollars back. No doubt, some of you need it since you are unemployed, in debt and cannot make your house note; while they live among the rich.


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unauthorized usage prohibited


December 26, 2008 Posted by | Conservative Talk Radio, Failed economic poicy, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Politics, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Just how stupid are we?

Just how stupid are we?


People, especially those who derive most if not all of their news and information from the likes of Hannity, Limbaugh, Boortz, Fox Cable and the likes are outraged about the alleged Obama plan to redistribute wealth. . Armed with these supposidly facts, they have derived from these mediums, many are on the Obama redistribution of the wealth bandwagon. Pray tell me why these same folks are ignoring the 700 billion dollar redistribution of taxpayer dollars to the banking industry? Why did they ignore the massive redistribution of wealth perpetrated on Americans brought on by the huge hike in fuel costs?  Why do talking heads on fox and Conservative talk radio have so little to say about the billions stolen on Wall Street? The recently exposed pyramid scheme that took billions from some people and redistributed some of it to others is nothing but redistribution of wealth. One would think self-proclaimed pundits of wealth would surely see the huge amount of wealth redistribution the above-mentioned businesses have brought to bear on millions of Americans. 

There is one simple reason why CTR (Conservative Talk Radio) hosts have so little to say about the unimaginable amount of wealth stolen each day from the average American and passed on the rich-they would have to criticize themselves.  In addition, they would have to redefine wealth redistribution.  All you hear from these folks is the idea that hard work and creativity will eventually make one rich.  Never will even one of them use the statement-gain your wealth legally. Therein lies the problem.  Not one of them has made a case against stealing from others with the pen.  They will rant and rave about a stickup artist taking a few bucks, but have little to say about the billions, maybe trillions stolen each year by white-collar criminals. Billions of taxpayers’ dollars have been stolen in the Iraq and Afghan war. Have you heard the mouthpieces of the conservative party (CTR) make any inquiries into the matter? 

The mere fact that white-collar crime is so rampant in the US, yet ignored by CTR lends credence to the argument that this medium supports the continued flow of wealth to the fortunate few at the top.  One of their favorite arguments is what percentage of US taxes top income earners pay. No one ever wonders aloud why a few people at the top have so much of this nation’s wealth. Do not tell me they earned it. If a company is making a product or providing a service and losing money, how can a CEO say he is earning his salary? Is he tasked with see the company loses money. Is this how his effectiveness is measured?   It is time for more Americans to seek sources other than talk radio and fox cable for facts before swallowing the Obama wealth redistribution allegation.





December 24, 2008 Posted by | Conservative Talk Radio, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Where do we go from here



The debate continues over which businesses deserves bailouts utilizing federal tax dollars.  On the surface, it appears most of the approved bailout money is dedicated to the financial industry.  I listen with great interest to the debate over whether the American automotive industry should get an infusion of tax dollars. Thus far, automobile industry executives have not made a convincing argument before congress that garners widespread support for a bailout. The automotive industry is asking for an initial infusion of 25 billion dollars to forestall what amounts to a collapse of the industry in the United States. Will they need more bailout cash in the future-probably? However, 25 billion out of the 700 billion seems small potatoes in the whole scheme of things.  It is difficult, if not impossible to ascertain what the total negative impact of closing American automotive assembly plants will be. Declaring bankruptcy and restructuring the whole industry is not out of the question.  Automotive industry executives testified before congress and threw out some massive direct layoff numbers, along with layoffs and business losses that support assembly plants. Were automobile executives numbers skewered to present a worst-case scenario?   It is reasonable to assume they were.  Union officials are starting to talk about the issue. They are probably more concerned about the survival of the industry than the average citizen. Without a doubt, they are looking for ways to insure the survival of the US automotive industry and jobs for the workers they represent.  

What would be wrong with setting aside 10 percent of the 700 billion dollars already committed to propping up US industries who are having financial problems? What is wrong with allocating a certain amount of the money towards putting people back to work? All I hear is make the money available so people can borrow it. Is it prudent to emphasize borrowing money while ignoring the very thing that allows people to repay loans-jobs?   Without a doubt, our lending institutions need to be stabilized. However, if the job market is not given adequate and prompt attention, the US economy will continue to spiral out of control into a recession and a depression is not out of the question.

The 700 billion dollars must be allocated where it has the best and most lasting positive impact on a majority of Americans. Putting the bulk of it into financial institutes is questionable. Why? They are the very ones that created the problem. Can they be trusted to do the right thing with the 700 billion tossed into their coffers?

How often do you hear the argument that Americans do not save enough? They buy too many things on credit. Many US citizens have now lost both borrowing and repaying power. A few financial sages got their heads together and decided it was in the best interest of the banking industry to make it easier to borrow and go into debt.  To make this possible, the very people who bankers want to continue to borrow and go in debt are the very people the banking industry are borrowing the money from-taxpayers!    When will some of the sages of finances begin to speak of less risky ways to make and save money? When will they inform people of ways to save money besides risking it in the volatile and topsy-turvy stock market?   

December 2, 2008 Posted by | borrowing money, Failed economic poicy, Taxpayer bailouts, wealth redistribution | 1 Comment