LC’s Commentary

Listen To The Voice of Reason

While America Slept

In 1940 John F. Kennedy wrote a book titled While England Slept.  In this book, Kennedy suggested England did not do enough to prevent WWII. He was of the opinion that England ignored the actions of Hitler until it was too late-too late to reel him in. So here we are in 2020 with the same situation. While America slept, the groundwork was laid for Trump to come to power.  The Groundwork was laid by Conservative Talk Radio. In 1988 a blowhard named Rush Limbaugh come on the scene with a show on AM radio.  At first, he seemed somewhat moderate in his political views. Most people thought he just had a good get-rich scheme to rip off his listeners and sponsors. This may have been true until his show was hijacked by hard-line Conservatives, with especially troubling racist tendencies and beliefs. Still America slept.

As with Hitler and his rise to power, Trump rose to power, because people did not take him seriously nor did they take his handlers seriously, until it was too late. While America slept, Limbaugh,  Boortz,  Savage, Levin, Gallagher, Ingram, Cunningham, Herman Cain, O’Reilly, and other blowhards were greasing the skids for Trump. Still America slept. Fox cable news showed up in 1996 and eventually became the prime conservative propaganda apparatus; thanks to Rupert Murdoch. Sean Hannity got  on board the Fox train in 2009; on board with O’Reilly to become a team of an outstanding Republican Propaganda apparatus. Still America slept. America never thought of what these folks had in mind; the unthinkable idea that an individual with the behavioral characteristics of Trump would be assisted in his effort to become President of the United States.   Still America slept.

The potential power of these media hosts was unthinkable when Limbaugh took to the national airwaves by storm in 1988. But over three decades, Conservative Talk Radio and FOX used the special bond they forged with their audiences to reshape the Republican Party in its current image. For millions of listeners, the change has been electrifying. For excommunicated moderates, this show hasn’t been entertaining in the least.  Still America slept.

During the 2016 Presidential campaign/debates, viewers and listeners heard and saw an individual (Trump) as some loudmouth that did not have a chance of being elected. Little did the masses know that this was exactly who Conservative Talk Radio and Fox Cable News had in mind when they unleashed their propaganda apparatus prior to 2016. Beating the drum in its  own way for the ascendance of Trump was the Salem Broadcasting System. This outlet showered its listeners with copious helpings of religious banter and propaganda, especially suited for Trump. Still America slept.

For a fleeting moment, millions of Americans thought the impeachment inquiry and trial would wake up America. Not so, I am afraid. So while America slept, Trump and the Republican Party cult, without an amendment, changed the United States Constitution. Sleep on folks, do not bother to wake up long enough to register, go to the polls and vote.

February 12, 2020 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Boortz, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Media, Politics, Trump, Uncategorized, World Affairs | Leave a comment

Trump is unfit to be President

Wonder who is Trump’s Theo Morell? Morell was Hitler’s personal doctor and he kept Hitler doped up on all kinds of drugs, especially during the last years of his  administration.  Morell kept this fact hidden from the German population. Who is Trump’s personal Doctor? To whom is he obligated to, besides Trump?  Is his personal doctor, in any way, obligated to make public, Trump’s medical condition-mental and physical? At what point is he obligated to tell the truth about Trump’s health; mental and physical?  To whom should he confide in regarding these urgent and obvious matters? Should Americans know the truth health of its President? America is back at the door of another impeachment inquiry. Obviously Trump is delusional and has lost touch with reality. No amount of drugs will make him fit for office.  Those who continue to support him, no matter his behavior, are suffering from a bit of the same disorder. Is, in fact, all lawmakers under the same obligations as the President when it comes to upholding the laws of this Nation? Presidents swear to Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is within congressional powers to remove him from office when it becomes plainly and painfully obvious that a President is unfit, physically and mentally to fulfill his oath to this Nation.  In fact, it is their duty to remove him from office utilizing their constitutional Authority. Failing to do so, they should be removed from office.

February 7, 2020 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Freedom of the Press, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Boortz, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Politics, Trump | | Leave a comment

Stench in the White House

When I was just a boy growing up on a farm in Randolph County Alabama, I had hunting dogs. Every now and then, one of them would come back to the house reeking of skunk Urine. In other words, he had gotten too close to a skunk. Those of you who know anything about skunks, know you can recognize them by their stripes as well as their smell. This one dog I had tangled with a skunk more than once and the results were always the same. Lo and behold, we now have a skunk in the White House. He reeks of dishonesty, lying, disregard for the laws of this nation, common decency, racketeering and adherence to expected norms of the President of the United States. When he was campaigning for the office of President, his true colors and smell were laid bare,especially his propensity for taking liberty with the truth. Many of his competitors were aware of his character-flaws, and made light of them during the Republican Debates. Nothing has changed about Trump since the election, except he has become more bold in his disregard for common decency and the US constitution. One question begs to be answered- why have the same Republican Lawmakers who tried to get away from the Trump stench during the debates, suddenly decide they will stay close to him no matter how bad he stinks up the place? What does he offer that make this stench more tolerable and acceptable? These same lawmakers, go back into their States and districts, dripping in skunk juice picked up in the Trump atmosphere. Their supporters, hate this smell, but are willing to hold their nose and continue to follow the fellow with the Skunk stripes. You know, black and white. He is out there in plain sight, spraying this awful odor and proudly displaying his stripes. We now have most Republican Lawmakers, not only willing to put up with the stench, but proudly wearing the Black and White Stripes as well.

January 24, 2020 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Impeachment, Media, Politics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Donald Trump A Very Sick man

Donald Trump’s current behavior leaves little doubt regarding his mental state. He is totally unhinged and has lost control of his senses.  Those who take advantage of his mental state must be held accountable for their actions. Who are these folks-businesses-media outlets and Corporations taking advantage of his state of mind? The Corporations who convinced him he was right giving them huge tax breaks bear a lot of responsibility for his actions. Right wing Talk Radio takes advantage of his erratic behavior and makes no sense narrative, to increase their listener-ship and sponsorship and spread their propaganda. Fox outlets takes advantage of him strutting out and making all kinds of stupid remarks and constant lying.  Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingram, Mike Gallagher, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Neil Boortz and other Right Wing Talk Radio propaganda machines are especially troubling, since they spend hours covering for him, even in situations where they know he is wrong, and or lying.  These outlets created the platform for Trump to be elected President of The United States. Trump’s immediate family is wrong for allowing him to continue to make a fool of himself and harm the United States Democracy. They are close enough to him to see he has little or no control of his senses/behavior. To them, he is just another way to make money/little else. Those who claim allegiance to their religious beliefs have discarded most of their claimed beliefs in favor of supporting Trump.  So-called Republican Lawmakers seem totally under control of Trump and are willing to sit back and do nothing, no matter what he does. Certainly there is little doubt that he has something on Devin Nunes of California. They created the current situation by not doing any oversight of the Trump Administration. Why, you ask? Some say they are afraid of losing support back home.

Trump and his followers/supporters are quick to question the patriotism of almost anyone who disagrees with them. Douglas MacArthur had this to say about Patriotism.  Duty, honor, country: Those three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be. They are your rallying point to build courage when courage seem to fail, to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith, to create hope when hope becomes forlorn.

Now you have Trump proudly floating around the word treason without having a clue the true meaning of the word as spelled out in the US Constitution. Lord Byron penned the following. There is no traitor like him whose domestic treason plants the poniard within the breast that trusted in his truth.

If there is any effort from the Right to rein in Trump, those professing to be real Christians must step up and defend their beliefs-beliefs contrary to the actions of Trump. This is a very difficult task. Why, you ask?  First, they must relieve themselves of their bigotry.  Oliver Holmes penned the following. The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye; the more light you pour upon it, the more it contract.

Finally, According to Logan Smith.  How it infuriates a bigot, when he is forced to drag into light his dark convictions. Most Trump supporters refuse to admit that he is a very sick and deranged man who, due to his illness and propensity for doing wrong/illegal things needs to be removed from office.


L.C. Thornton


30 September 2019

September 30, 2019 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Freedom of the Press, Glenn Beck, Greed, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Politics, Religion, Taxpayer bailouts, Uncategorized, wealth redistribution, World Affairs | Leave a comment

Republicans elected Trump.

Most of the blame for Donald Trump’s behavior lies squarely in the lap of the Republican party. Why? Simple-Republican voters elected him. He could not vote and elect himself into office. Many Republican lawmakers have known Trump for a long time and know him well. They know his reputation as a cheat, scoundrel and habitual liar. Disregarding and ignoring this knowledge, they convince those who put them in office that Trump would be an excellent President. Some even proclaimed that Trump was sent by God. They convinced millions of Republican voters that Trump was the answer to all of their ills.
Trump came on the spot, proclaiming that if voters elected him, he would solve all of the ills of this nation. He was going to undo everything the Obama Administration imposed on America. Republican voters were blindsided by Trump and Republican Lawmakers. Many Republican voters were unsure if Trump was the right person to run this nation, but their fears were lessened by the messages broadcasted by Republican lawmakers. Add Fox and Conservative Right Wing Talk radio and you have the recipe for the disaster we have in the White House.
There continues to be lingering questions. How did Trump convince Republican lawmakers to support him for President? How has he convinced them to continue to support him, despite obvious reasons to withdraw their support? What has he done to cause Republican Lawmakers to totally cease and abstain from their Constitutional responsibility of Congressional Oversight?
It is easy to see how Trump managed to get the support of his staunch supporters. He appealed to their sense of losing things to which they are entitled . He talked about them being forgotten. He talked about how the Obama Administration had shunned them and did not have their best interest in mind. Those fearing their jobs being overtaken by the hoards coming across our southern border were consumed by Trump’s rhetoric. Remember, he was going to build the wall, and Mexico was going to pay for it.
Trump was going to make America great again. Never once did he tell them what era, decade, or century he felt America was at its greatest. Trump talked about cutting taxes, and at the same time drawing down the national debt. Republican lawmakers knew he was lying, but failed to tell America voters he was lying. When Trump’s behavior is questioned, Republican lawmakers quickly come to his defense and words like non-support for the President, patriotism, loyalty and treason are tossed into the equation.
Millions Americans arrived at the conclusion that the election of Trump to the Presidency of The United States, was a mistake, but were willing to sit back and hope he would grow to be Presidential. Never mind the fact that one can not do what they do not know how to do. He does not have the intellect, attitude and aptitude to behave differently than he does on a daily basis.
It is unclear why voters felt Trump could do little damage to the American way of life in four years. Wrong! He has done a lot of damage in two years. If he is removed from office prior to the end of his term, look who is waiting in the wings-Pence. Some say he is worse than Trump because he puts a Christianity spin on many of his decisions is instrumental in causing many Christians to forgo their beliefs to support Trump, Entirely too many of the Christian faith are disregarding his behavior, behavior characteristics they, at one time deemed as disqualifications to hold the office of President of The United States.
Republican voters, you are the main reason Trump is President. You are the main reason there is so much corruption in the White House. You are the main reason so many people associated with Trump have been convicted of wrongdoing and will serve time in jail.  Try as you may, you cannot ignore the fact that you put him in office.
Entirely too many Trump supporters have taken on the Trump attitude, which is, I am never wrong, and everything is always someone else fault. For the sake of America, admit you made a mistake, and go about the business of righting many of the wrongs Trump has imposed on this Nation.

March 8, 2019 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Media, Politics, Taxpayer bailouts, Trickle up economics, Trump, Uncategorized, wealth redistribution | Leave a comment

Sean Hannity same as Joseph Gobbels

I told you so! Hannity’s behavior and rhetoric is bad news for America. Too bad, many Americans saw him as merely a blowhard entertainer as they saw Trump and figured neither and could do much to harm America. How wrong many people were and continue to be in their assessment of the danger this man poses. He is extremely dangerous and like Trump, becomes more dangerous to America each and every day. His ability to harm America is magnified by his access to platforms on Fox and Conservative Talk Radio. America better wake up and rein in this fellow.

LC's Commentary

Each time I listen to Sean Hannity shows, radio and television, I am reminded of the works of Joseph Goebbels and William Joyce. History shows what can happen when media outlets are ignored, especially the ones doing their level best to detract the public attention away from the truth. This is what happened in the thirties in Germany. The deliberate spreading of fabricated information and exaggerations is right out of the Third Reich playbook.) ( Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung.) Cox media and other Right-wing leaning media outlets used the same techniques to get Trump elected as those used by the Nazis to put Hitler in power. These folks and others of like mind are doing their level best to deflect attention away from Trump and his association with the Russians. Hannity admits his association with and influence in the White House. It is time for Mueller to ask him what he…

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March 6, 2019 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Sean Hannity, reincarnation of Joseph Goebbels

The latest news regarding Trump’s association with Sean Hannity and Fox backs up what I’ve been saying for a very long time. It is an unholy alliance. It is not hard to imagine Trump and fox folks deciding in advance what lies are to be told to Americans almost daily. Someone should bring Hannity before a committee of some sort and let him make the case that he is not obstructing justice by constantly, knowingly lying and putting forth misleading statements to protect Trump and undermine an ongoing investigation into the Trump administration’s behavior and possible violations of federal laws and the US constitution.

LC's Commentary

If one follows closely, the actions of Sean Hannity and compares them with the actions of Joseph Goebbels, it is easy to see how their actions parallel. Although Hannity has not been officially given the title of Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Trump Administration, his actions and behavior on the Fox Network (owned by Cox Media) he deserves the title. Hitler utilized the media the same way Trump does. Trump As Hitler realized there was a segment of society that were eagerly waiting to hear and believe what both men had to say. As mentioned in Goebbels dairies, Hitler had an appreciation of the importance of feeding the media with what they want-so does Trump. Hannity picks up where Trump leaves off. Hannity, using Fox, manages what he wants Fox listeners to see and hear. His messages are screened and directed at an audience he knows will…

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March 6, 2019 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

A sad day for truth

Trying to figure out what motivates Donald Trump and his followers presents real challenges. One must dig deeply into their behavior from a Christian perspective to arrive at an understanding of their thought process.  Understanding their support despite him having so many short-comings/character flaws deserves, indeed requires deep-thinking to come to an understanding of this behavior. Attributes that right-thinking people feel should disqualify him from the office of President of The United States and their support appear to drive his behavior. What motivates Trump and continues to drive and support his behavior is certainly puzzling and deserves close scrutiny. Trying to figure out what motivates him by watching cable TV, and surfing the Internet is probably a waste of time, given the fact that much of his behavior is designed to get media coverage and deflect from issues that must be addressed.
Let us look at Trump’s behavior from the perspective of Blaise Pascal, (1623-1662) a man who spent many years looking at what motivate men from a christian perspective. In his writing Mind on fire Article 48, he penned the following. The characteristic of human nature is to love oneself and consider only one’s self. But what else can it do? It cannot help its own love being inconsistent and miserable. It wants to be great and see that it is only small. It wants to be happy and finds it is wretched. It wants to be perfect and see itself full of imperfections. It wants to be the object of other people love and esteem and sees that its faults deserve only their dislike and contempt. Finding itself in this predicament, it reacts in the most unjust and criminal passion imaginable. For it conceives a deadly hatred for the truth that would rebuke and convince it of its faults. It would like to eliminate this truth, and not being able to destroy it, it represses it as much as it can in the consciousness of itself and of others. So it takes every precaution to hide its own fault from itself and others, and cannot bear to have them pointed out or even noticed.
Pascal continues: Unquestionably it is an evil to be so full of faults, but it still greater evil to be full of them and yet unwilling to acknowledge them, since this results in the further evil of deliberate self-delusion. We do not want others to deceive us. But at the same time we do not think it is right for them to think well of themselves more than they deserve. It is therefore not right either that we should deceive them or want them to esteem us more than we deserve.
There must be an awakening in the mind of Trump supporters. An awakening to the fact that his carelessness with the truth has dire consequences-consequences, many yet untold and unrealized. The realization that lies have consequences applies to everyone, including so-called liberals.

February 13, 2019 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Failed economic poicy, Freedom of the Press, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Boortz, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Media, Politics, Religion, Uncategorized, wealth redistribution | 1 Comment

When will we ever learn

The more one becomes familiar with Hitler’s behavior as he came to power in Germany, the more similarities are revealed in Trump’s behavior. Their unrelenting determination certainly parallels.
The current Government shut down is a classic example. Trump is bound and determined to have his way. He is willing to sacrifice the well-being of Government workers and others negatively impacted by his decision to shut down parts of the Government to force his will on a people. Trump like Hitler makes dealing with him very difficult and history suggest many who have had conflict him eventually give up and allow him to have his way. Another tactic he uses with success is the constant introduction of new issues, situations and problems into the fray.  Notice how difficult it is for opponents to get a clear understanding of what Trump is really up to. An understanding of where he is trying to take the Republican Party and this nation seems clear today, and just as unclear the next day.
Those opposing him and many in his camp, grow weary of battles with him and some are inclined to give up and let him have his way. This is right out of Hitler’s play book.  Hitler loved loud spirited enthusiastic crowds. So does Trump. Hitler loved parades. Trump wanted one, but was denied a parade.

Germany, apparently did not have in place in its government a system that could or would deny Hitler ascension to the leader of Germany.  Absent the ability and or willingness to control Hitler, Germany and the world were led into the worst war to ever plague mankind.  Is America void of the necessary tools to prevent Trump from taking many of the actions of Hitler? Will America’s checks and balances spelled out in the Constitution, be implemented to harness the run-away dictatorial   antics of Trump?

My final question is:” When will we ever learn?”

January 22, 2019 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Hannity & Boortz, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Media, Politics, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Two Peas in a Pod


Research into Hitler’s early life, reveals a disturbing likeness to Donald Trump. Their behavior is strikingly similar in several ways. For instance, Hitler pushed wild alternatives to what was viewed as norms and wild exaggerations formed his pattern of thinking. As with Hitler, Trump pushes his obvious hateful feelings to the extremes and magnifies things of little importance. Hitler was obsessed with fear and hatred of the Jews and felt they were a threat to the German way of life. Trump feels the social fabric of America is under attack by those coming from south of the US border and is willing to take drastic measures to see that his fears are not realized.   A writer described Hitler as being born of hatred. Listening to the tirades and rants of Trump, one can easily come to the conclusion that his behavior is something that is inbred in him. He did not begin to feel and behave the way he does since becoming President. Hitler has been referred to as a master of the art of brilliant fraudulence and inspired swindling. This fits Trump to a T. Trump has been pulling the wool over the eyes of many people for many years.This includes, The Internal Revenue Service, New York, City, County and State Officials.

There is one striking difference between Hitler and Trump. Hitler convinced the masses that he was one of them and felt their pain. There is certainly some truth in this claim. Trump is totally different.  Somehow, some way, Trump convinced a significant number of American voters that he is one of them and share their pain and misery-their feeling of being left out- feelings that what rightfully belongs to them is slowly being taken away-feelings that they as a class of people are being denied their rights and political control.  Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.  Utilizing the power of propaganda, Trump with the aid of Conservative Talk Radio, Fox, and it mouth-pieces,  convinced millions of people that Trump was suffering as they were. Hitler understood the power of propaganda. Trump understands the power of Propaganda. It is alleged that Hitler said of propaganda” You must keep it up until it creates a faith and people no longer know what is imagination and what is reality.” How do you think Trump was able to convince many Christians to forgo their religious doctrine and get on the Trump Train? Simple, Trump knows as Hitler knew-people are drawn to religion by the message and the messenger. Many Christians decided they would rather take their chances with Trump rather than what they proclaim to believe.

Hitler wrested power from the German Government and gave himself total control of the power to make and enforce laws.  Look at what is taking place with the Government shut down. Trump is saying, with the blessing of the Senate, I will make and implement laws as I see fit. This is in total contrast to how the Constitution defines US law making. The power of the United States Congress has been usurped by Trump, with hardly a peep by Congressional members, especially Republicans. American is in the same situation Germany was in the early thirties.  Ignoring what is taking place, is extremely dangerous and the consequences of non-action to rein in Trump reeks of unimaginable damage to America’s soundness.

January 22, 2019 Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Boortz, Impeachment, Limbaugh, Politics, Religion, Uncategorized, World Affairs | Leave a comment