LC’s Commentary

Listen To The Voice of Reason

Lack of Understanding

One has to wonder if Trump and his supporters really understand how his behavior is impacting the United States and it Allies. The sheer lunacy of his actions suggest he nor they have a clue what is taking place. The question must be answered-how long can the masses tolerate his obvious unfitness to hold the office of President? This nation should be well beyond its tolerance of Trump’s behavior and how it effect his ability to govern. Hardly a day pass without something surfacing that points out Trump’s unsuitability to hold the office of President of the United States. He is totally incapable of carrying out the responsibility of the office of President. He lack the character, demeanor, intelligence and courageousness to hold the office. Those who hold out hope that he will eventually change his behavior to suit what is expected of the Presidency are fooling themselves. Painting stripes on a cow will not make it a zebra. He is what he is and is and incapable of changing his conduct and certainly not his character. He and his passionate supporters have little or no understanding of how far out of touch he is with reality.
Machiavelli opining about lack of understanding stated the following-Men are of three different capacities: One understands intuitively, another understands so far as it is explained, and a third understands neither himself nor by explanation. The first is excellent, the second is commendable, and the third altogether useless. Trump has little to offer this Nation. The sooner he and his supporters understand this fact, the quicker the healing of this Nation can begin. Trump’s lack of understanding and his inability to accept criticism is his Achilles hill. He and his supporters fail to understand that according to MacLeish, Criticism in a free country is made on certain assumptions, one of which is the assumption that the government belongs to the people and at all times subject to the people’s correction and criticism.

March 22, 2018 - Posted by | Conservative Propaganda machine, Conservative Talk Radio, Donald Trump, Failed economic poicy, Glenn Beck, Hannity & Boortz, Limbaugh, Politics, Taxpayer bailouts, Trickle up economics, Uncategorized

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